hey there, I’m Lora Vettorato,

… I’m so pleased you are here…


Welcome, beautiful people! My name is Lora and I am a soul behind Myorganiclife.

I am proud of calling myself a healthy lifestyle enthusiast and a huuuge lover of wellness, mindfulness, holistic health and living. You can always find me meditating, drinking a smoothie or…writing, dancing, reading, BEING (such an ethereal fella).

I am so excited to finally start a health and wellness blog because I truly believe it is a form of pure self-expression as well as inspiration and light you can give to others.

In MyOrganicLife you are going to find all things wellness, veganism, vegan recipes, plant-based weight loss, yoga, natural beauty, holistic health,  mental health and so much more.

Why wellness, why veganism, holistic living?

Over the past few years, I have been through so many life changes and health issues. I know that it’s difficult to find a pain relief that works for you but you need to try…because there are so many natural remedies for women’s problems and endometriosis pain.⠀

MyOrganicLife is where I’ve been shared my best healthy living tips!

Meet Lora


I started MyOrganicLife in 2019—just as I was beginning my own health journey—I just wanted to share my life with endometriosis and everything I was learning. But soon I realized more than just my parents were reading my blog posts! Now few years later, thousands of people from all over the world have spent time in my little corner of the internet, and have joined the tribe by joining the MyOrganicLife email newsletter.

My Endometriosis Story…

When I was 29 I was diagnosed with Endometriosis, after struggling with the disease for years I was just so over no one understanding what I went through.

All these years it was VERY difficult to find an explanation for my chronic pain, exhaustion, and gastrointestinal symptoms- despite numerous trips to my GP, an array of invasive and uncomfortable tests, and the odd emergency hospital admission.

A few years ago I met the right doctor and after a couple of medical tests and a laparoscopy, I received the news that I have endometriosis. At first, I was ecstatic but at the same time, I was really happy…to know what is wrong with me. The disease has affected my ovaries, uterus, peritoneum, bladder, and bowel.

As a result, I experience a lot of pain on a regular basis as well as truly awful chronic fatigue. This meant all of these years of doctors telling me I was healthy and making it up was not true.

Whilst conventional medicine is important and necessary, I found no relief from surgery and I couldn’t take most forms of hormones and painkillers. Eventually, after finding my daily life almost impossible and feeling suicidal, I began the journey of healing and managing through the endometriosis diet. The difference I saw was immediate and I had the first manageable period I’d had in years.

Landed here to encourage you to live your best possible life with all your potential via a healthy body, healthy mind, and calm soul. I hope you find this lifestyle, health, and wellness blog helpful!



I am not a registered dietician or doctor. Please consult your physician before making any changes to your diet or supplement regimen.


You can send me an email HERE or find me on

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  • Pinterest | Where you can pick through tons of recipes, DIYs, and informative articles