Do you think that you’re one of the few unlucky ones with cellulite?
Did you know that more than 80% of us have cellulite?
Cellulite has never been such a big deal for me since I don’t have so much. And I’ve never thought I would write an article about cellulite.
Life changes, I’m almost 35 now and I need to push myself a bit more, I’m not young anymore. So, most of the home remedies for cellulite below, are tips that will improve your overall health, skin, and even hair and nails. It’s not about creams and massages. It’s about getting as healthy as you possibly can. As energized, light, and happy as possible.
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This article contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (and no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefited from personally. Thank you for your support!
What is Cellulite
Cellulite is that lumpy, dimpled skin on your thighs, abdomen, and buttocks that makes your skin look like cottage cheese. Cellulite can appear on breasts and upper arms as well.
Cellulite is nothing but a fat deposit under the skin. They appear mostly behind the thigh, on the buttocks, hips, and belly.
Cellulite is subcutaneous fat (meaning underneath the skin) that pushes up against the skin creating a dimpled appearance. It’s most present and visible in the areas of our body that naturally have the thickest layers of subcutaneous fat—the buttocks and thighs—which also happen to be the areas of our body that get the least blood flow and activity thanks to sedentary nine-to-five jobs.
Studies have revealed that an estimated 85% of women aged 21 years and above have cellulite. Definitely not a few, right?
To be completely clear and transparent, almost everyone has cellulite. No matter how nutritious your diet or how regular your workout routine, cellulite is a normal part of having skin.
The fact is, most of us have cellulite. However, it’s also a fact that most of us are unhappy with it, and wish we could figure out how to get rid of it without overhauling our lives or spending an absolute fortune (we’re looking at you, spendy product aisle… )
Based on the number of times cellulite remedies appear in women’s magazines, websites, and blogs, I’m guessing that this is a problem we still haven’t solved.
Causes of Cellulite
Maybe you’ve already heard what people say – cellulite comes from fat. But you can be fat and have less cellulite than someone who is 40 pounds lighter than you.
The main reasons for cellulite according to science are:
- Hormonal changes – higher levels of estrogens (the skin is affected by hormones) age (when you’re older your connective tissue is less and less “tight”)
- Genetics (Asians have less cellulite than Europeans).
- Weight gain – weight gain stretches the skin and fat cells are deposited beneath the skin causing cellulite
- Weight loss – when connective fibers beneath the skin are weak cellulite occurs
- Poor diet and lifestyle factors – cellulite is not caused by “toxins,” although a healthy lifestyle may help reduce the risk. If you eat too much fat, carbohydrates, and salt and too little fiber you are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite.
- Smoking – smoking causes cellulite and is a factor for many other ailments
- Lack of exercise
How Can I Get Rid of Cellulite Fast Naturally
If you’re a woman you’ve probably wondered once or twice if it’s possible to get rid of cellulite naturally. Well, spoiler alert: It’s possible. But you’ll need the dedication to do it.
If you’re ready to make a commitment, here I’m sharing 11 home remedies for cellulite that actually work and can help tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite!
So how do you reduce cellulite once it’s staring back at you in the mirror? And if you’ve not seen any orange peel dimples on your thighs so far, how can you go about keeping them at bay?
If you’re wondering how to cure cellulite naturally, I’m here to tell you that it’s not impossible, and thankfully, it’s not even about expensive lotions and potions.
There are a few simple natural cellulite remedies, and what’s more – you can kick them off today!
Between 85 and 98% of all women to be exact according to this have cellulite. Who cares about the other 2% of women that don’t have cellulite? I’d say if we all have it, it’s pretty damn normal. No need to go crazy.
If you go to the beach and look around you won’t find even one woman over 16 who doesn’t have cellulite. No matter how thin or even toned we are, we still can have cellulite. This has nothing to do with being thin. Nothing to do with toxins either. It has to do with hormones, aging, fat, and maybe some inflammation.
Actually, we can naturally reduce cellulite if we put in some (a lot) of work into that goal.
11 Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Cellulite
What can we do to get rid of cellulite? Without spending a lot of money on expensive procedures, scrubbing coffee, wrapping ourselves in plastic bags….
We can make some changes in our daily routine that have amazing health benefits – we can change what we eat, how we move and sleep, reduce stress. Are you ready girl?
1. Start an anti-inflammatory diet
There is some evidence that inflammation is linked to cellulite too.
Eating an anti-inflammatory diet will naturally reduce body fat, balance your hormones and provide all nutrients needed for better skin – vitamin C, polyphenols, fiber, vitamin A and E, zinc, iron, and omega-3s.
If you eat a lot of refined, processed, or fatty foods, these could all contribute to poor circulation and therefore won’t encourage the body’s natural digestive processes to flush out toxins, therefore triggering the onset of cellulite.
A diet high in antioxidants – vitamins A, C, and E, plus selenium, manganese, zinc, and copper – can help to prevent the cell damage that leads to the dreaded dimples.
By eating these foods daily, you’ll restore the strength of dermal cells – and the good news is, they’re all pretty tasty. Eggs, apples, soy, spinach, cauliflower, peanuts, and Iceberg lettuce are all lecithin-rich foods, so they’re great for getting rid of cellulite. Time to stock the kitchen!
Don’t forget the protein!
Protein stimulates and strengthens the production of collagen and elastin which keeps cellulite at bay. It also helps to firm up muscles that can keep fat stores in place and reduces the dimpled effect of cellulite. All in all, protein is a winner when it comes to combatting the orange peel skin!
Avoid full fat and dairy products!
Full-fat dairy products like cream, butter, and cheese are high in saturated fats and are harder for your body to break down. They’re fine as a once in a while treat, but avoid consuming them too regularly if you can.
Eating fatty takeaways and processed foods can also cause cellulite because they lead to fat deposits in our bodies.
2. Drink water!
Water is an excellent source of energy and has thousands of health benefits. So drinking a LOT of water every day is an important step if you want to naturally reduce cellulite.
The cellulite under your skin stores toxins – which can accumulate if you have an unhealthy lifestyle, regardless of your shape or size. Water keeps the skin hydrated and flushes out toxins, and is key if you want to keep your skin looking fresh and youthful, too!
However, don’t drink too much water as this could lead to swelling underneath the cellulite – 1.5 liters a day is plenty.
If you find plain water boring, you can make it a bit tastier by adding some fruits, so definitely check my favorite detox water recipe!
3. Take the stairs, move more often!
Here is the deal. If you stay sit all day you will never lose cellulite naturally. Your body needs to move not just to go to the supermarket. You need to do some actual moves like walking in the park for at least one hour. And forget about the elevator, from now on take the stairs. It’s also good for your butt.
One trick to getting rid of pesky lumps and bumps is working all your lower body muscles from every angle, which lessens the underlying fat stores and replaces lost muscle tissue to give the area a toned appearance, and climbing stairs is a great way to do this.
You might not be a fan of working out, but to get rid of cellulite and to get in shape I highly recommend you do also some cardio exercises. You’ll burn some fat and improve circulation with cardio. You’ll tone up your muscles with strength training, so you can look toned and lean.
4. Detox Baths
Too much toxin build-up is known to cause cellulite development. And detox baths are helpful in removing toxins. So, they can help you get rid of cellulite as well. Also, detox baths do wonders for your skin and are relaxing. So, they’re definitely worth the try.
5. Dry Brushing
This technique is said to stimulate blood and lymph flow, remove dead skin cells, and stimulate new cell growth. It may support detoxification and stimulate your nervous system.
How often: Dry skin brushing effectively opens up the pores on your skin. This is something you can — and should — be doing daily, even twice a day. Your skin should be dry, so the ideal time is in the shower before you turn on the water. Just a reminder, don’t get the brush wet.
It seems that a natural bristle semi-firm brush with a handle (like this one) is best and I keep mine in the shower to use daily right before showering.
6. Body Scrub
Use a scrub every time you shower to increase circulation on thighs and buttocks too.
The good news is that you can make your own one at home. If you don’t know how to check out my full guide on how to make a body scrub at home.
Soak yourself in a tub of warm water with a little coffee and scrub the affected areas of cellulite. Coffee scrub is known to improve blood flow and thus ensures the cure of cellulite in a perfect way. In about a month’s time, you will surely get firmer as well as smoother skin.
Creams and scrubs will only really help the appearance slightly as part of a diet and exercise regime – they can help superficially in the looks department, but they’re not miracle workers, and even the most expensive creams can’t melt the fat away.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has anti-microbial properties. It is also used as a skin toner. But you can also use it to get rid of cellulite. Diluted apple cider vinegar is helpful in eliminating toxins.
Dilute 1 part of apple cider vinegar with 2 parts of water. You can also add few drops of honey to it. Then apply it to the affected areas 1-2 times a week.
8. Consuming Gelatin
Consuming gelatin is a quick and healthy way to combat cellulite. Adding it to your daily routine can be fun, creative, and absolutely astonishing when that cellulite starts to disappear and your skin begins to tighten! So stop reading, go out and grab some gelatin powder, mix it up and give it a go.
Stress is something that can affect your entire body. Stress is also not good for cellulite. If you don’t want to see cellulite, stop it! Stress hormones are made by our adrenal glands and are also linked to the development and worsening of cellulite.
10. Omega-3s
Healthy fats like omega fatty acids help in reducing the bad and unhealthy fat accumulated in the body and the reason why a lot of women experience cellulite. According to professionals, the result of omega fatty 3 acids is slow and gradual but highly effective in reducing cellulite permanently and safely. These are the best remedies for cellulite that really work.
Fish like salmon and cod are some good sources of Omega-3. Include fish in your diet. You can also take fish oil capsules. They are really good for your skin’s health.
11. Moisturize your skin
Let’s face it,
skincare doesn’t involve your skin only. You have to keep your skin moisturized.
If you haven’t already, try using natural options for skin care and moisturizing. Simple coconut oil will work as an all-purpose moisturizer, but if you want to get a little more sophisticated, these are a few of my favorite recipes:
Whipped (non-greasy) Body Butter Recipe
What are the foods to avoid to remove cellulite?
Some of the foods increase the appearance of cellulite. It is important to know what foods to avoid for a cellulite-free body. Some of these foods are as follows –
1. Dressing, Sauces, And Spreads
For all the ranch, ketchup, and mayo lovers out there, your tried-and-true condiments may be more of a problem than a delicacy. Although some dishes seem incomplete without the delicious additive of dressings, sauces, and spreads, they are playing a key role in the production of those unsightly dimples on our buns and thighs.
2. Processed Meats And Cheese
Processed foods like cheese etc are high in calories and will promote water retention in the body.
3. Carbonated, Caffeinated, and Alcoholic Beverages
Although alcoholic beverages do not directly cause cellulite to form, they tend to constrict blood vessels in the skin which can make the appearance of cellulite more prominent. Additionally, when consuming alcohol, you are filling your body with empty calories while providing your body with no usable nutrients, further causing weight gain.
4. Fast and Fried Foods
5. Margarine and Buttery spread
6. Canned foods
Canned soups are filled will excess preservatives and salts to keep the foods last longer. This is a complete no to maintain a healthy diet to get rid of cellulite.
7. Sweets And Treats
How does smoking increase the appearance of cellulite?
If you’re a smoker – it’s a good idea to stop, because cigarettes cause increased oxidative stress and damage the body tissues, including the connective tissue. That’s why on average smokers look older and have more wrinkles than non-smokers (not to offend anyone, but it is true).
- Cigarette smoking reduces blood vessel flow which increases the appearance of cellulite.
- It also weakens the collagen in the skin that damages the skin significantly.
- It also interrupts with the formation of collagen and new cells. If there is less collagen, then the connective tissue stretches out and gets damaged easily.
- Low levels of collagen will also promote the appearance of the excess fat under the skin that is nothing but cellulite.
You should not feel embarrassed about having cellulite. We all gave it. Love yourself the way you are. Of course, you can get rid of it if you don’t like it. But loving yourself is also important.
By taking care of yourself and eating a healthy diet, you can get rid of cellulite. Plus! Exercise daily and keep your body hydrated.
Healthy life